PADI AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation
In summary:
"For nearly 25 years, PADI AWARE has grown and changed in response to emerging challenges facing the world’s underwater environments. Since 2011, we’ve focused on two top ocean issues where scuba divers are uniquely positioned to influence change - shark and ray conservation and marine debris."
You can learn more about the PADI AWARE mission here
Bespoke Scuba encourage you to make a a £10.00 donation to PADI AWARE, You can of course add more to support this AWESOME and productive organisation. Make a donation, and get a special PADI AWARE certification card.
On this course you will learn:
How coral reefs function and the complex nature of life on a reef.
Why coral reefs are so important.
Why many coral reefs are in serious trouble.
What you can do to prevent further decline.
How PADI AWARE unites divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference.
This course really is a must for those coming on one of our foreign trips, come and join us, and view these amazing environments first hand.
Option 1 - PADI AWARE Specialty - £95 - Suggested £10 Donation
Option 2 - Make the donation as big as you want!